On February 06, 2023, the earthquake epicentre in Kahramanmaraş/Pazarcık and its aftershocks caused great destruction, mass losses of lives, and injuries covering ten cities in the region. In the first hours, The Republic of Türkiye declared a level 4 alert based on the effects of this disaster and called for International Emergency Relief Calls. Hundreds of foreign teams from many countries have arrived in the disaster region and are working under the coordination of AFAD. In addition, many professional volunteer translators and interpreters work directly in the disaster region. We are trying to respond to the translation/interpretation needs of earthquake victims and foreign teams instantly, especially via audio, written, or video via WhatsApp. We know that in the disaster’s early days, telephone and internet connection were not conducive to this service. However, the effects of this great disaster that has suffocated us all and the need of the people of the region will continue for a long time, unfortunately. Foreign search and rescue teams will return to their countries when their duties are over, yet foreign aid agencies will continue to work in the region for a long time. For this reason, as volunteer disaster translators and interpreters, we will continue to provide this service for three months and be prepared to extend it if needed.



You may send a voice message, writing, or video to a foreign aid agency or charity to explain your needs.


You may send your requests/questions you would like to ask the foreign health personnel in the region in audio or written formats.


You may send your voice or written messages concerning what you want to say to the Turkish Doctors in Arabic and Kurdish.


In the case of a need for a video call, you can receive interpreting support via Whatsapp.


You can send a photo of the package insert for medicine from abroad. Furthermore, you can request translation support for a specific detail.

Some examples for NGOs


The local NGOs in the area may request translation or interpreting support while communicating with foreign NGOs.


The local NGOs in the region may request the translation of informative texts.


Foreign NGOs may request translation and interpreting support while giving announcements or information in Turkish.


The Turkish doctors in the area may request support in translating or interpreting voice messages, written text, and video calls for their patients who would like to communicate in Arabic and Kurdish.


Foreign NGOs may request the translation of Turkish announcements, documents, or information they would like to understand.


Foreign NGOs may contact our translators and interpreters and reach support whilst determining the needs of the earthquake victims and shopping.


Foreign NGOs may request translation or interpreting support while communicating with AFAD, councils, and other local authorities.

Tüm Gönüllü Afet Çevirmenlerine teşekkür ediyoruz.

Çevirmen ve Dil Koordinasyon Ekibi
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  • Yağmur Nurşen Yıldırım
  • Ceylin Firdevs Yeğin
  • Buse Yaşar
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Sosyal Medya Ekibi
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  • Cihat Çiftçi
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Web Sitesi
  • Serdar Doğrubakar